Time Difference
Time in Korea is 9 hours earlier than Greenwich Mean Time and there are no daylight savings. If you want
to know the time in Korea now, please [click here]
The average temperature of September in Korea is 20.5℃ to 21.1℃, a comfortable fall month. It is usually
full of cool breeze, mostly clear or partly cloudy weather.
For more detailed information about weather, please [click here]
Business Hours
- Government office 09:00 - 18:00 on weekdays, Closed on weekends
- Banks 09:00 - 16:00 on weekdays,
Closed on weekends - Department Stores 10:30 - 20:00, Everyday
- Convenience Stores 24hours open, Everyday
Credit Card
Visa, and Master Card are accepted at almost all retail outlets, but Diners
Club and American Express may only be accepted at major hotels, shops and restaurants. Check with
your credit card company for details on merchant acceptance and other available services.
Currency & Exchange
The South Korean Won is the official currency of South Korea.
- Currency Exchange Major foreign currencies that can be exchanged at banks, hotels, and the airport.
- Bank hours 09:00~16:00, Monday to Friday
Korea uses 220v as the standard voltage and the standard frequency is 60 Hz. The plug uses two round
pins and the same shape used in many European, South American and Asian countries. If you don’t have
one, you can buy one at a duty-free shop or convenience store at Incheon International Airport.
VAT & Tipping
- Tip Tipping is not regularly practiced in Korea. A 10% service charge will be included often to your bill at upscale restaurants and hotels. It is also not necessary to tip a taxi driver unless he assists you with luggage or provides an extra service.
- Tax Foreign visitors can receive the tax refunds when they buy goods including tax. Visitors can receive also by submitting the applicable receipts at the custom clearance desk when leaving the country. Please check the link for detailed information. ( [click here].)
An alien who intends to enter the Republic of Korea must have a visa as a basic requirement for an entry
permit, in principle. However, aliens in a certain range of countries, such as nationals of a country
that has entered into a visa exemption agreement with the Republic of Korea, may enter the Republic of
Korea without a visa. for more Information, please [click
Emergency & Useful Numbers
Fire & Rescue 119
Police 112
Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency 1339
Korea Tourism Organization 1330
Immigration Office 1345
※ No area code required.